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Patient Collectives and Cooperatives

admin • May 18, 2021

Health and Safety Code §11362.775 under Senate Bill 420 

On November 8th 2016, Prop 64 authorized sale of marijuana to paitient and adults over 21, by adults over 21 for profit coupled with taxation. Licensing laws will replace Senate Bill 420 on January 9th 2019, and will be regulated under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), subject to local regulations by cities and counties aurorizing their right to ban licensing and cultivation. See pages 29-34. 

The legislature had intended to “enhance the access of patients and caregivers to medical marijuana through collective,  cooperative cultivation projects.”  

SB 420 did NOT DEFINE collectives and cooperatives. Collectives and cooperatives that abide by local laws and guidelines exist throughout the state and can legally grow and  provide marijuana/cannabis to its members, until licensing is provided by the state of  California beginning in 2018. When that happens Senate Bill 420 will sunset, however  Prop 215 The Compassionate Use Act will remain in effect. Any individual responsible for assisting others in administrating marijuana/cannabis to patients and educating them about cultivation is also protected. Refer to Health and Safety Code §11362.765  (b)(3). See Page 17 regarding caregivers. 

In August 2008, the California Attorney General’s office published the “Guidelines for  the Security and Non-Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use.” These Guidelines are to provide a comprehensive understanding of collectives and cooperatives. They are NOT binding in court; instead, they are intended to guide cooperatives and collectives and to indicate various important factors necessary to take into account when operating a collective/cooperative. Courts are to refer to these guidelines before determining if the collective/co-op is operating legally. See Attorney General  Kamala Harris’ letter to the legislature on my website for more information regarding the uncertainty of the meaning of H&S §11362.775 and information on dispensaries,  the term “non profit” and edibles.  

Collectives and cooperatives are two distinct groups of qualified patients that may cultivate marijuana and provide it to their members. Cooperatives must follow the  California Cooperative Laws requirement that includes guidelines for setting up their group, maintaining records etc. Meanwhile, the law does not define collectives;  however, they are usually more informal patients groups who organize themselves to cultivate medical marijuana and to provide assistance to patients with medical needs.  

The Attorney General’s guidelines have concluded that both collectives and cooperatives are legal under the law. 

Note From Bruce: 

Since medical marijuana is not  recognized, pursuant to U.S Congress, federal laws do not  protect patients or members of  collectives and cooperatives from  prosecution. However, see U.S  v. McIntosh 833 F.3d 1163, 1168  (9th Cir. 2016) , which provides for  the opportunity for a hearing to  determine if the defendants actions  are in compliance with the State  Medical Marijuana Laws .In addition,  the latest omnibus budget bill passed  on March 23, 2018. Contained in that  bill is a cannabis provision called  the Leahy amendment (formally  the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer  Amendment) prohibits the Department of Justice and the Drug  Enforcement Agency from using  tax dollars to interfere with medical  marijuana/cannabis businesses and  patients in states where medical  marijuana/cannabis is legal. 

Pursuant to the California Attorney General’s Guidelines Opinion, collectives and cooperatives should be organized with sufficient structure to ensure security, non-diversion of marijuana to illicit markets, and compliance with all state and local laws: (1) collectives and cooperatives must be democratically operated by their members; (2) marijuana must not be diverted for non-medical purposes or diverted to individuals outside the operation; and, (3) none of the activities may be carried out for profit.  

Note from Bruce: The law does not define the term “profit.” 

In appellate cases, issues of profit have not been directly defined by the law or in the Attorney General’s guidelines. However,  the direct expenses of cultivating and distributing medical marijuana can be reimbursed. Court rulings do not exclude possible compensation for an individual’s work and effort; court rulings have held that the meaning of profit is a question subject to the jury. Profit is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the excess of returns over expenditures in a transaction or series of transactions.”  Any money in excess of the expenses should be returned to members, used to reduce the cost of medicine, or used to provide other medically related services to the members.

Note from Bruce: I founded and I am the director of the National Institute of Court Qualified Cannabis Experts. Faculty members of the institute and myself provide education to students who want to become a court certified expert. Expert  testimony has often been the turning point in obtaining a dismissal or not guilty verdict. Faculty members have included  court-qualified experts Chris Conrad and Bill Britt . Those interested in becoming an expert, or needing one, may contact Bruce.

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Reductions and Dismissals of Prior Marijuana Felonies  As of November 8, 2016, with passage of Prop 64., it is now Legal to Possess (and Give) an ounce of Marijuana & 8 grams of Hashish; California Health & Safety Code § 11362.1, 11362.45;  LAW: POSSESSION, BY ADULTS OVER 21, OF AN OUNCE OR LESS OF MARIJUANA […] The post Possession of up to an ounce first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
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California Health & Safety Code § 11357;  Except as authorized by the law*, possession of not more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, or not more than four/ eight grams* of concentrated cannabis, or both, shall be punished or adjudicated as follows:  ALL ADULTS 21 OVER IN CALIFORNIA   LAW: POSSESSION OF OVER AN OUNCE OF MARIJUANA […] The post Possession of Over an Ounce first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
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California Health & Safety Code § 11359 b MISDEMEANOR LAW: POSSESSION FOR SALE IS A MISDEMEANOR UNDER MOST   CIRCUMSTANCES: To sell means to exchange any amount of marijuana or  hashish for anything of value. Note that “giving away” up to an ounce of marijuana  is legal in the State of California involving adults over the age of […] The post Possession for Sale first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
A yellow smiley face with brown eyes and a smile on it.
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California Health & Safety Code §11362.2 & §11358 Misdemeanor /Felony  LAW: Cultivation of up to 6 live plants of Marijuana is legal per residence for adults  over 21; and you may posses whatever amounts have been previously grown, and  harvested (also in the residence).  Note from Bruce: You may want to keep the root-balls as evidence that […] The post Cultivation first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
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Vehicle Code 23152e CA  PROP 64 DID NOT AMEND OR CHANGE LAWS REGARDING MARIJUANA DUI PROSECUTION   LAW: Even though possession of Marijuana is legalized, it remains unlawful to drive while under  the influence of marijuana or any drug if impaired to the degree that one is unable to operate a  motor vehicle safely.  PENALTY: For […] The post Driving Under the Influence (DUI) When Impaired first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
By admin May 18, 2021
Unfortunately notwithstanding the passage of Prop 64 (AUMA), the legalization of marijuana/cannabis in some instances, employers may still refuse to hire and fire persons that use marijuana/cannabis. California NORML has sponsored pending legislation, that will provide protections for patients from lose of  employment.  Ross v. Raging Wire Telecom [42 Cal. 4th 920 (2008)]- CA Supreme Court […] The post Drug Testing and Employment first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
By admin May 18, 2021
California Health & Safety Code §11470(e) Forfeiture laws allow state and federal governments to seize money and property that  are proceeds of, or are used to, facilitate illicit drug activity. Forfeiture proceedings are  usually filed separately from the criminal case in which the “defendant” is the money  or property itself. The owner must file a […] The post Forfeiture of Money and Property first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
By admin May 18, 2021
11357(b) H&S (And Save Your Driver’s License While Doing So)  Note from Bruce: Under California law, anyone younger than 21 years old who is convicted of a marijuana offense will lose his/her driver’s license for one year, even if the offense is not driving related; this is subject to the discretion of the Judge.   DEFERRED […] The post How to Avoid a Marijuana Possession Conviction for 18-21 Years of Age first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
By admin May 18, 2021
California Health & Safety Code §11361.5 Removing and   Expungement (PC §1203.4 ) of your Marijuana Conviction   California law requires all governmental agencies to automatically destroy any records of marijuana possession  charges and any records of charges for giving away or transporting up to one ounce of marijuana two years after  the date of conviction or […] The post Destruction of Arrest and Conviction Records first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
By admin May 18, 2021
PC §1000 & 100.94 (LA County) Charges for the possession of marijuana or hashish and for the cultivation of  marijuana for personal use can be dismissed through successful completion of  Deferred Entry of Judgment. DEJ is not applicable to charges involving possession  for sale or transportation unless the marijuana is for personal use. The defendant  must plead guilty to […] The post Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ) = Dismissal first appeared on The Law Offices Of Bruce M. Margolin, ESQ.
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